Radboud Universiteit: sharing the potential of social media

A cityscape with modern buildings lit by the sunset.

Located in the oldest city in the Netherlands, Radboud Universiteit is a research university with a truly international perspective.

Radboud University’s communications office were already experimenting with an approach to social media that was strategic and creative. However, they were keen to find a way to inspire others in the university to view social media with the same enthusiasm, and with a strategic outlook.

Having heard our founder Tracy speak at conferences in Europe, they hired us to organise a week-long programme of talks, workshops and discussion sessions, and to facilitate an away day for staff. The sessions were designed to highlight how the effective use of social platforms could boost a university’s status and help it achieve strategic goals.

We adapted the content, approach and message depending on the audience for each session, and opened up discussions with staff, academics and senior leaders, not to mention experienced communications professionals.


St Georges, University of London: planning a digital transformation


City University: keeping the strategy on track